Do you suffer from back pain? Do you often slouch? Do you sit at a desk all day long at work?
You might suffer from poor posture. If you do, you’re not alone; it’s a very common issue. Many people are stuck behind their desk all day at work, often slouching forward toward their computers. Learn more from the experts at where you can buy wicking underwear as a well as a wide variety of other athletic garments.
The Improved Posture Compression Shirt from SWEAT IT OUT® can help. The fabric combination consisting of 70% COOLMAX® fiber and 30% LYCRA® fiber, both trademarked by INVISTA, are used in this shirt to provide several critical benefits:
Not only can you capitalize on these many physical benefits, but you’ll also be able to take advantage of its mental benefits. By physically feeling better and reducing pain, you’ll also feel better emotionally and mentally. Correct, upright posture portrays an air of confidence. You’ll look better and feel better at the same time!
Made here in the USA, the Improved Posture Compression Shirt from SWEAT IT OUT® is available in a multitude of colors including black, white, navy blue, royal blue and red. Whatever your style may be, there is an option just for you. You can wear it to your local Planet Fitness or underneath your work clothes comfortably.
If you would like to buy COOLMAX® men’s underwear , the Improved Posture Compression Shirt or another garment made from COOLMAX® and LYCRA® fibers from INVISTA, simply continue to browse this very site. To speak with a friendly member of our team here at SWEAT IT OUT®, you can call 1-800-343-8960.
The post The Benefits of the Improved Posture Compression Shirt appeared first on SWEAT IT OUT® COOL COMPRESSION®.
Trademark SWEAT IT OUT® is the property of Lontex Corporation.
Trademark COOL COMPRESSION® is the property of Lontex Corporation.
Trademark COOLPOWER® is the property of Lontex Corporation.
LYCRA® is a trademark of The LYCRA Company.
Lontex Corporation
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